Fulfilled Prophecies in the Bible

The Bible contains hundreds of prophecies that have been fulfilled with remarkable accuracy, demonstrating divine foreknowledge.

Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus Christ

The Old Testament contains more than **350 prophecies** about the Messiah, all fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Here are some of the most remarkable:

These are just a few of the **hundreds** of prophecies that were precisely fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Prophecies About the Rise and Fall of Nations

Amazing Mathematical Odds of Prophecy Fulfillment

Mathematician **Peter Stoner** calculated that the probability of one person fulfilling just **48 of the prophecies** about Jesus Christ was **1 in 10¹⁵⁷** – an impossibly large number.

To put this into perspective, this would be like covering the entire state of Texas in silver dollars **two feet deep**, marking one, blindfolding a person, and having them find it on the first try.

Prophecies About the Future

While many biblical prophecies have already been fulfilled, others point to events that are yet to come. These include:

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